July 8, 2012

pack rat family

I am so so thankful that I have been off from work for the past 11 days.  It has enabled me to get the house as organized as it can be with all the stuff we have.  I don't think I have mentioned that I come from a "pack rat" family. 

My parents born in the mid 1920's were small children during the depression and lived through a lot of hard times in the 78 years they were married.  My mom told me that when my 3 brothers were little, she often did not know where a nickel would come from for a loaf of bread.  They were taught not to throw anything away because you might need it later and could not afford to buy another.

The difference at their house is this.. .  They live in the country on an acre or so of land.  When they have run out of space they simply add a shed or garage or carport.  Which they have done all 3!
Me, living in the city is unable to do that and my garage is already full.  I am trying to break free of this family pattern, BUT I like SO many things!!  Many, many of the things I have around in my house as decoration are family pieces. 

My grandmother crocheted as well as my mom, so I have a lot of beautiful doilies of all sizes and shapes.  My mother has given me her hankerchief collection, and all the crocheted potholders she had made-they are works of art!  Glass baskets, glass shoes, tea cups, tea pots, antique plates are everywhere here.  No pictures hang in my home.  I prefer all these vintage lovelies!  I am grateful for a husband who has pretty much let me do whatever I want in our home. Our living room is lavender!
I know he would prefer less clutter, but he never tells me to get rid of anything!

Since my craft table was put together I have been able to work on a project. SO excited about my craft room.  Before the pipe/bathroom incident I had got a lot done in there to re-organize everything.  I am finally able to find what I am looking for! 

Hoping to be taught today how to down load pictures myself!

Already a lot of cat hissing this morning!

To a relaxing Sunday-


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