September 15, 2012

Autumn transformation

Autumn/fall is my favorite time of year.  I grew up in Michigan where there are a definite change of seasons.  There is just something in the air in the fall, that unless you have experienced it, it is hard to describe.

I have a lot of fall decorations.  I get them out in September and leave them out until after Thanksgiving.  I could not decide this year if I wanted to get them out for two reasons.  One that we have 2 extra cats now and this fall season is sad for me, since we are coming up on one year since my dad passed away.

But, I decided to go ahead, decorate a little differently than I normally would do it.

This is my shelf that I decorate for the different seasons.  ( was just all in pink)
I started with a fabric scrap, with pumpkins and sheer orange fabric over that.
This is my base.

I decided I would do a cat theme.  I moved these around until I was pleased with the arrangement.
I then added in leaves and flowers.

These two were purchased last year at Hobby Lobby.  Too cute!

The kitty on the right was purchased at Jo-ann.
The center cone was from a flea market in Michigan-one of my favorite kitties!

I normally make an arrangement of these things at the base of this chiffarobe.  But because of the little "hay bale" and the cats, I put it on top.  I then added lights of orange, white, purple and a multi strand of orange, green & purple.  Leaves are then added in EVERYWHERE!

This scarecrow was given to me over 10 years ago.
I tucked him in among the flowers, leaves and lights.
I am very pleased with the way Autumn has come
to my Florida home!

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