October 29, 2012

Monday, Monday again

Why does the weekend have to go so fast??  And this weekend I was crabby and tired and did not feel well.  My poor family.  I went to bed at 8:15 on Sat even though I had a nap.  Sunday I napped at 12:15!

 On a good note, I did leave the bedroom door open most of Saturday.  Yoshi went in and out and he and Gemma seemed to do okay.  (There was A LOT of careful observation from me!!)
Somehow on Saturday night Gemma got of the bedroom and was shut out for about 2 hours with Yoshi & Abby.  My husband asked when we woke up on Sunday morning if I heard the cats fighting?  I opened the bedroom door and there was Gemma, running in!  The lesson of this?  All three cats are still alive!! -   and Gemma must have WANTED to come out!    I will be trying daily to leave the bedroom door open.  When we are not home, I won't let them all be together yet.  But I am hoping eventually that can happen. 

I am asking myself was I this bad with my daughter?  Somehow I don't think I was this (over) protective of her!  Perhaps I am just more neurotic than I was 20 + years ago!  I think somehow the neurosis will get worse not better. 

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of losing my Dad.  I was thinking about the fact that he was critically ill in 1985 and almost died then.  I was 25.  What a blessing that he lived 26 more years.  My daughter is 25 now.  She would not have known her Grandpa.  I have a lot of sweet pictures of the two of them when she was little. He retired when she was 3 and they came to Florida for a few winters.  Dad would pick her up from school.  He would receive instructions that Amanda was not to have treats on the way home.(Picky eater-do not spoil the appetite thing)  But, of course there was soda (pop) and candy anyway.  Amanda says that is one of her favorite memories.

Time goes on and does not stand still for the loss of the ones we love.  The pain is easier to bear, but still remains.


October 21, 2012

Ideas, ideas

Thanks to my friend Julie, I have gotten interested in pinterest.  There are so many lovelies on there!
It inspires me to make things!  Ideas, too many ideas can be overwhelming.  Where do you start? What do you want to do first?  Do you have what you need on hand, etc., etc., etc!

I had brought quite a bit of my mom's craft supplies back with me.  Buttons, doillies, ribbon roses, that sort of thing.  She does not craft that much any more and I like to have choices when I am making something.  Today I unloaded the items from the box  and put everything where it is supposed to go in the craft room.

I had also done some thrift store shopping while in Michigan.  Prices there, MUCH cheaper than here in Tampa.  I got a couple of cute slip dresses and short crocheted sweaters, to make a couple of outfits for my etsy shop.  In the shabby, boho, cowgirl style.  I started the dyeing process yesterday.  I love dyeing things.  I have used rit dye since I was a teenager, with great results.  Yesterday was NOT my day.
                                                                                                                                                              The color guide on the rit website steered me wrong.  Well I guess it can be the computer and my eyes, too!.  Was trying for olive green.  Used a combo of kelly green, lemon yellow and sunshine orange.  The color was NOT olive and the little underslip came out ORANGE!  If this had been my first dyeing project I probably would never have attempted it again!  The color did not take evenly either.  So, I started over.  Bleached the dress back to white.  Slip remained orange even after bleach.
So I cut the slip out.  I decided to go with a smoky lavender color instead.  And today it came out beautifully! 

So, I will make a list of what I want to make and start there!   My boss will be back in the office this week, so back to a normal routine- and being TIRED!  The list will probably be as far as the creating gets! :-)


October 18, 2012

Kitty cats

When I was in Michigan I got cat advice from my friend Julie and her family.  She has always had cats, and actually thought that I did not like cats!  Me, who now has 3 in my home??
Her advice is that I have to let the three kitties work things out for themselves and not over protect Gemma.  VERY hard for me.  On Monday I let Yoshi go in to the bedroom, he and Gemma touched noses, she hissed and turned to walk away and he chased her!  That makes me SO mad!  My family said, " I needed to get over it!"

                                                   Abby- a sweetie
Abby affectionately known as "little girl"
but NOT so little! :-)
Yoshi loves being a baby on Amanda's lap
A face only a Mamma can love!
But you can't stay mad at him!
So we will see how it all goes in

Back Home

I got home last eve from Michigan.  There were a few days with sunshine, and several with cloudy, cold, drizzly.  It is those latter days that make me glad I now live in Florida.  I was chilly there! But the fall colors were beautiful!

My Mom was doing okay.  For the first time in my life she seemed old to me.  Losing my Dad is devastating to all of us.  When my brother and sister in law came over we discussed different memories of my Dad and that was nice, things I had not heard.  My brothers were 17, 12 and 8 when I was born.  I grew up from the time I was 8 without my brothers in the house. Our Dad had mellowed a lot by the time I came along.  There is a void there that can never be filled, but I dealt with being there a lot better than I thought I would.

I got to spend time with my sweet,dear friend Julie.  We have known each other since we were 3 or so.
She got me through the painful teen years!  Last year she gave me strength through my Dad's loss.  It is nice to have a friend who loves you no matter what, and she is that kind of friend!

The trees were all orange and yellow.  The beans in the fields were combined and the fields disked afterward.  The corn was still standing waiting for its turn.  One morning I walked out to get the paper and all you could hear was the sound of the birds. So serene.I decided after 32 years in the city I do miss the country and my small town roots- if only it was NOT cold there!

Frost in the front yard
This tree is always lovely!
Even though there was frost, my Mom's flowers
stayed nice!

October 3, 2012


October is here and will fly by.  I am leaving tomorrow morning to Michigan to visit my Mom.  Looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.  It will be one year on October 30 since my Dad passed away.  Somehow I think this visit will be harder than the one in March.

Our daughter went to London and Amsterdam in September and is traveling again next week, too.
She is a bridesmaid in her best friend Jen's wedding next week and is very excited. Her dress should be back in our hands tomorrow after alterations!

My husband will have cat duty while we are both gone.  We had made some slight forward progress, but last weekend took a couple steps back in them getting along.  Maybe I am too protective of Gemma(my kitty), but that is my nature in all things that I love, so . . .

This is the mad hatter costume I made.
It is for sale in my Etsy shop.
                                                        Gemma, helping with the blog!

                                                            Yoshi & Abby