March 15, 2013

new etsy shop items

I have also been busy this past month making things for my etsy shop.  These are my latest creations!

I love creating!

spring, time for re-decorating

Redecorating in small ways can make a big difference in the look and feel of our homes.
I had changed my shelf behind our love seat in December.  It is larger, so of course it holds
 more of "my stuff."  I had decorated it for valentine's day and since we are in mid march felt that it was time to re-do.

I started with several doilies, which are made by my mother and grandmother.(  I have a passion for doilies).  I have two shutters that I painted and distressed several years ago.  I felt one would be nice as a backdrop.


Then what color scheme to use?  I decided on purple and green.  I have several pieces to luncheon set that belonged to my mother with violets.  I also have some lovely small glass pieces that were hers.
Luncheon sets were very popular in the 60's.  When women still stayed home and had friends over for lunch.  Ah, for simpler times!

Varying the heights of my items shows more of them off.  I turned a couple of goblets over and put small glass plates on them for a base.  I added in some silk lilacs- one of my favorite flowers (from growing up in Michigan).  These were all things I had already.  It's fun to look around the house and see what you can use!

I also redid my centerpiece with my favorite paint can.  Again, I already had all these things.  I like to use a stem that has a variety of different flowers in it.  So you do not have to be good at arranging!
If it isn't the height you want, just bend the stem rather than cutting it off.  I had some wired shamrock garland and I cut a piece of that and twirled it around the can and into the flowers.  I tucked a green scarf and a white hanky into the can.  A couple of years ago I made shamrocks from salt dough, so I included that as well.


Looks like spring has arrived at my house!
