My Mom was doing okay. For the first time in my life she seemed old to me. Losing my Dad is devastating to all of us. When my brother and sister in law came over we discussed different memories of my Dad and that was nice, things I had not heard. My brothers were 17, 12 and 8 when I was born. I grew up from the time I was 8 without my brothers in the house. Our Dad had mellowed a lot by the time I came along. There is a void there that can never be filled, but I dealt with being there a lot better than I thought I would.
I got to spend time with my sweet,dear friend Julie. We have known each other since we were 3 or so.
She got me through the painful teen years! Last year she gave me strength through my Dad's loss. It is nice to have a friend who loves you no matter what, and she is that kind of friend!
The trees were all orange and yellow. The beans in the fields were combined and the fields disked afterward. The corn was still standing waiting for its turn. One morning I walked out to get the paper and all you could hear was the sound of the birds. So serene.I decided after 32 years in the city I do miss the country and my small town roots- if only it was NOT cold there!
Frost in the front yard
This tree is always lovely!
Even though there was frost, my Mom's flowers
stayed nice!
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