October 18, 2012

Kitty cats

When I was in Michigan I got cat advice from my friend Julie and her family.  She has always had cats, and actually thought that I did not like cats!  Me, who now has 3 in my home??
Her advice is that I have to let the three kitties work things out for themselves and not over protect Gemma.  VERY hard for me.  On Monday I let Yoshi go in to the bedroom, he and Gemma touched noses, she hissed and turned to walk away and he chased her!  That makes me SO mad!  My family said, " I needed to get over it!"

                                                   Abby- a sweetie
Abby affectionately known as "little girl"
but NOT so little! :-)
Yoshi loves being a baby on Amanda's lap
A face only a Mamma can love!
But you can't stay mad at him!
So we will see how it all goes in

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